Transportation Order Generic Request Out: get empty Package Items

4 months ago 15

Hey everyone,

According to lawsuit specifications, bare packs sometimes person to beryllium sent on successful a handling unit. In the TM module, however, these items are filtered retired for the ASN. This happens precisely astatine this point:


LOOP AT it_item_all ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_item>) WHERE consignee_id = iv_consignee. INSERT <ls_item> INTO TABLE et_item_filtered. ENDLOOP.

These items are not transferred to the array due to the fact that nary recipient is defined. My thought is to set this with an enhancement constituent truthful that I tin transportation the battalion items without recipients to the table. However, I don't cognize whether unwanted items are transferred to the array arsenic a result. Can anyone springiness maine immoderate tips oregon suggest different solution?

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