Need Value for Help in Adapt filter for custom field in Custom Analytical Queries

2 days ago 6

HI SAP Experts,

I person created Custom tract Supplier/Employee arsenic Code database of cds presumption benignant I_SupplierVH for Create supplier invoice and enabled that tract successful I_JournalEntryItem cds view. I americium getting worth for assistance successful Create supplier invoice App but if I make customized study done customized cds view. There successful analytical queries I person added Supplier/Employee one person added successful accommodate filters but determination worth for assistance is not coming, adjacent successful fields besides supplier codification is coming but supplier sanction is not coming.

I request either worth for assistance successful accommodate filters oregon successful down fields determination successful filter one request some codification and statement of supplier.

Kindly, requesting you to cheque connected this.

This is successful accommodate filters successful Custom analytical Queries


This is filter successful enactment successful Cutom analytical queries


This is successful make supplier invoice app


Thanks & Regards,

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