Test Tenant does not Exist in Export Customizing Transports App

2 months ago 4

Hello Ariel,

Are you connected 3SL oregon 2SL? If it is simply a caller project, one presume you person 3SL (3-system landscape).

If so, the tenants (clients) are:

  • DEV: 100 for Customizing, 80 for Abap steampunk development
  • TEST: 100
  • PROD: 100

You ever person conscionable 1 CBC instance, this is linked chiefly to the DEV 100 tenant.

The deployment people from CBC is the DEV 100 tenant (customizing tenant). CBC volition nonstop precocious level configuration determination (like superior fiscal settings, scope items, org structure).

When this measurement is done, each further customizing tin beryllium done straight connected DEV 100 (App "Implementation Activities" you bash not request to spell done CBC for astir settings)

And the connected DEV 100 with App "Export Customizing Transports" you merchandise them and transport them to the TEST 100 tenant. Do not hide to export/import the SW_Collections arsenic good (Extensibility items).



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