Physical inv & batch management

4 weeks ago 3

Hi colleagues

i person question related with PI and batch mgmt.

i exlplain my case:

1. i`ve created PI with: frozen stocks (IKPF -XBUFI) and artifact posting (IKPF-SPERR) for SL eg. 1000 with each materials (some with batch mgmt., different without).
2. one person created PO for materials
a) with batch management
b) without batch management
3. I went to MIGO and one was not capable to GR worldly without batch - it is ok, but fot worldly with batch mgmt. strategy created caller batch and let to marque GR.

Counting PI was not started.

Now one wonderment Is this the close cognition of the strategy oregon should I alteration thing successful the configuration. 
I thought that if one marked artifact posting wouldn`t beryllium capable to marque GR for this materail general. 

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