Passive Aggressive Comments

8 months ago 56
My point, think in their shoes. They want you to get affected, hurt, and suffer. Its a conscious effort if repeated many times. Its gas-lighting . It works only if your are gas- lightable. These comments reflect them not you. Dont be a mirror to get affected. Maintain your own personality, give them respect. Dont punish yourself. A good person give you feed back or suggestions or comments in a respectable way and don't use passive agressive approach.

So, the best answer is behave as if you dont care or not get affected or super happy. Thats the only way to make them fail. As if you don't even notice their comments. Be a professional, dont take every thing to heart.

Sometimes, acting deaf, leaving the scenes or ignoring to the core or being super nice/ sweet etc help. It depends on the person and comment. As @ salad pointed out above, giving it back or sarcastic commments or jovial reply work sometimes. Whatever it may be, dont allow any one to cross boundary, if they address you directly. That time give a reply in a calm cool manner if you feel its needed. You need to give a response, not your reaction.

Then, if you want to cry, go to a private space and cry out there. But not in front of anyone, who want you to be sad, fail and dont respect you. Keep your head high.

“You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing things with logic. True power is restraint. If words control you that means everyone else can control you. Breathe and allow things to pass.” - a wise person

My point is others opinion doesn't matter if you believe in yourself and confident. But if you get affected by others comments every time, its time to introspect, be mindful and improve yourself. Comes with practice. I have told myself -my life is precious, time and energy too, so dont waste even a second for negative people or situation as much as I can. It also mean standingup for yourself-but when, why, what, to whom and how etc, its purely our choice. Enjoy your life to the fullest. Take it easy . Cheer up.

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