L_REF_MULTIPLE_PROCESS_START (LT42) not creating Allocation TOs until all Picking TOs are completed

4 months ago 17


The petition from concern broadside was to instrumentality the two-step picking for TRs, and to automatically make a 2nd measurement TO arsenic soon arsenic the 1st measurement TO is confirmed.

We've managed to bash that with implementation of FM L_REF_MULTIPLE_PROCESS_START (which behaves the aforesaid as LT42 transaction) successful 1 of the idiosyncratic exits astatine TO confirmation, and it is functioning correctly arsenic agelong arsenic determination is simply a azygous TR point successful a TR. As soon arsenic determination are aggregate TR items, the FM volition not enactment until each the 1st measurement TOs for each TR items are completed, since it volition propulsion an mistake connection that "No quantities are available" oregon thing similar.

This mistake connection is successful information existent for immoderate of the TR items, but each different items are acceptable for 2nd measurement TOs.

Is determination a anticipation to people lone TR items which are implicit with this FM? 

Creating TRs with a azygous point is not an option, since they often manually make TRs with 30+ items and creating a abstracted 1 for each quant would beryllium a nightmare. 

Any assistance would beryllium greatly appreciated.

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