How do I pass the values of (SAPMF05A)XBSEG into a local structure?

5 months ago 19

Hi, I'm trying to walk the values of (SAPMF05A)XBSEG[] and (SAPMF05A)XBSEG into section operation but I'm having issues. The worth of LIFNR was erased. successful <T_TEST>, the worth of lifnr is 123456 successful LX_BSEG-LIFNR the worth is blank. How does that happen?

DATA: lx_bseg benignant bseg.

Field-symbols: <t_test> TYPE TABLE,

<w_test> TYPE ANY,


ASSIGN '(SAPMF05A)XBSEG[]' TO <t_test>.

if sy-subrc = 0.

ASSIGN '(SAPMF05A)XBSEG'  TO <w_test>.

if sy-subrc = 0.

LOOP AT <t_test> INTO <w_test>.

MOVE <w_test> to lx_bseg.




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