Can change documents be written when using the ADDR_COMM_MAINTAIN

2 weeks ago 3

Dear all,

I wrote a programme to update/insert/delete email code information via relation module ADDR_COMM_MAINTAIN. After calling this I additionally use ADDR_MEMORY_SAVE. 

Basically it works. But nary change documents are written arsenic is accustomed erstwhile utilizing SAP modular transactions to alteration addresses. 

Is determination immoderate anticipation to acceptable alteration documents successful the situation of ADDR_COMM_MAINTAIN?

My calls of some functions:

CALL FUNCTION 'ADDR_COMM_MAINTAIN' EXPORTING address_handle = lv_address_handle address_number = iv_address_number * DATE_FROM = '00010101' * LANGUAGE = SY-LANGU table_type = 'ADSMTP' * SUBSTITUTE_ALL_COMM_DATA = ' ' * ACCEPT_TELNR_CALL = ' ' * CONSIDER_CONSNUMBER_FOR_INSERT = ' ' * CHECK_ADDRESS = 'X' iv_time_dependence = 'X' * IV_CONSIDER_ADRCOMC_FOR_INSERT = 'X' * BLK_EXCPT = * IMPORTING * RETURNCODE = TABLES comm_table = ct_comm_table error_table = lt_addr_error * COMM_TABLE_OUT = * IT_USAGE = * IT_USAGE_UUID = * ET_USAGE_OUT = * ET_USAGE_UUID_OUT = * ET_CREATED_USAGE_UUID = EXCEPTIONS parameter_error = 1 address_not_exist = 2 internal_error = 3 address_blocked = 4 OTHERS = 5. CALL FUNCTION 'ADDR_MEMORY_SAVE' * EXPORTING * execute_in_update_task = 'X' EXCEPTIONS address_number_missing = 1 person_number_missing = 2 internal_error = 3 database_error = 4 reference_missing = 5 OTHERS = 6.

Thanks successful advance! :slightly_smiling_face:

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