Automatic Pop up of batch characteristic window while doing goods receipt in Inbound delivery.

3 months ago 12

Hello Sapiens,

 i americium investigating Batch absorption successful SAP Embedded EWM. I did configuration to make Batch automatically portion creating Inbound delivery. one besides made the introduction of Characteristics of the Batch mandatory. As the introduction of Characteristics of Batch made mandatory the strategy should not let the Goods receipt untill Characteristics are maintained for that Batch. But successful my lawsuit the goods receipt is accepted without maintaining Characteristics. 

My request : System should not judge goods receipt untill the characteristics are maintained for the Batch. When one click connected Goods receipt successful /SCWM/PRDI  strategy should popular up the characteristics surface (MSC2N). 

I person seen an video related to Batch absorption and successful this Video astatine Timing 6 mins 50 2nd has the aforesaid request arsenic one mentioned above. Following is the video Link.

I had searched for  BADI to instrumentality to conscionable my requirements. But one did not recovered immoderate BADI. 

Are there  immoderate BADI oregon User exists ?

Are they immoderate different configuration one americium missing, to beryllium done to conscionable my requirement?

Please bash you person an idea, method oregon functional to get this result?I truly admit your help.

Thank you



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