Who Buys The Very Expensive Indian Mangoes In America?

8 months ago 44
Kid said they will come home this long weekend, so I went out a few days ago to buy mangoes. The lady at each Indian store calmly told me the prices:

Banganpalli mangoes (10-12 in box) $99
Alphonso mangoes (9 -12) $60
Kesar mangoes (2.7 kg) $48
Dasheri mangoes (2.7 kg) $58

I quietly took the regular $15 for 12 mangoes box (some Mexican or Florida variety I think). And went back for two more boxes. So, I got 36 mangoes for 45 dollars. :grinning:

I know my friends buy the expensive ones, and the Indian store frequently runs out of stock, so there is demand for the varieties listed above. I cannot justify buying that price for a mango. Nostalgia is not that strong, neither is the craving. I am not a kanjoos, we do regularly end up with a $175 bill for four of us dining out. With tip, it goes even higher.

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