Uploading Data to S/4HANA On-Premise from BTP HANA Cloud DB Using SDI Integration

6 days ago 6

Hi Experts,

I person a urgent request to upload oregon insert a ample measurement of information into a S/4HANA On-Premise system from BTP HANA Cloud DB utilizing SDI Integration.

Could anyone corroborate if this is simply a feasible approach? Is it imaginable to upload information straight into the S/4HANA On-Premise system?

I connected the S/4HANA system utilizing the ABAPAdapter, accessed each the tables, and created Virtual Tables. However, I encountered an contented erstwhile trying to insert information into the Virtual Tables

Can anyone usher maine connected the close attack to execute this? Any insights would beryllium greatly appreciated!

Note: We request to bash this by utilizing SDI only

Thanks successful advance.

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