UK Banking Configuration - OY17, F110

3 months ago 12

The configuration is checking the maximum length, truthful it should beryllium good to update the configuration to summation the worth successful OY17

Some UK banks necessitate a accordant usage of BIC/IBAN oregon Sort/Account Number successful the BACS file. i.e. All creditor & debtor slope instauration & slope relationship identifiers successful the record person to each beryllium either Sort Code / Bank Account oregon BIC / IBANs. 

The BIC/IBAN & Sort/Account are populated successful antithetic tags successful the ISO20020 BACS record format & should not beryllium 'overpopulated' (i.e. should not look doubly - erstwhile successful the sort/account & past successful the BIC/IBAN tags), truthful update of the BACS record procreation regular oregon DME is apt & validation/testing with the slope is highly recommended

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