Typing a value doesn't show any value from dropdown in Advanced Search BackOffice

4 months ago 12

In BackOffice precocious search, erstwhile I benignant a value, it doesn't amusement immoderate result. It's showing blank. How tin I hole it?

This is from the dropdown:
Screenshot 2024-10-04 astatine  2.55.16 PM.png

When I typed SAMPLE_NUMBER_1, it doesn't amusement the SAMPLE_NUMBER_1 entity to select.

Screenshot 2024-10-04 astatine  2.55.37 PM.png

Attribute B is TypeB.

I person this

<context type="TypeA" component="advanced-search" merge-by="type">
<as:advanced-search xmlns:as="http://www.hybris.com/cockpitng/config/advancedsearch" connection-operator="AND">
<as:field name="attributeB" operator="equals" selected="true"/>
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