Till Eternity

8 months ago 90


In a psychology seminar -
Psychologist: "Now let's play a game."
Having said that
accosting from the gathering a young lady,
he said
"Dear lady please come and write on this white board - the names of atleat thirty people who you consider are important in your life now and in future."

The lady thought for a while and began writing names of her kith and kin.
After her finishing with the task psycho had one good look at all 30 names she had just written, he requested the lady, "Thank you dear lady. Would you please delete From the list names of five people who are not that important to you."

The lady wiped from the white board the names of her five siblings.

Then he told her to rub off another five names of people who are not that valuable to her.

The lady cleared names of five more of her bosom friends.

In this way the process continued until there were only four names left on the board. It was her parents, husband and only son.

Now the psychologist requested the lady to wipe off two more names from the list on the board.

It was then that everyone in the audience realized that there was going to be a piquant climax and it was not just a game…

With no other option, the lady half-heartedly wiped off from the board her parents' name.

Again she was asked to rub off from board one more name out of remaining two.

The lady turned slightly nervous and half-heartedly with moist eyes, erased hesitantly one of the two remaining names. She told that the name she just wiped off then was her only son's.

The psychologist told her to get back to her seat.

"Why did you choose to leave that one name on the board?"
She responded, "it is my husband's name."
"Your parents took so much care to nurture you and brought YOU up. Your son himself gave you the motherhood. Then why here you rubbed off son's name?"

The gathering in the hall were agog to listen to her response.

The young lady said,
"Indeed but...but.. my parents may expire before me. My son may leave me for his future studies & career and family life. But my husband is the only one who would be always with me and dedicate his entire life to me. That's why ...."

Everyone stood up and applauded her.

This is true. Treat your spouse with love and respect. Realize that God put you in WEDLOCK for mutual help and service!

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