Staging to production with intermediate storage bins

9 months ago 28


we usage precocious accumulation integration based connected PMRs successful EWM 9.40.

In 1 of our warehouses a 3rd enactment strategy is installed connected a accumulation line. Here we would similar to instrumentality the pursuing process.

1) A accumulation bid volition beryllium released and a PMR volition beryllium created successful EWM. 

2) E.g. 1 oregon 2 hours earlier the planned accumulation start, warehouse tasks for staging are created (e.g. by /SCWM/STAGE) to transportation each required components to an intermediate bin successful a pallet retention that is wrong the accumulation proviso area. The destination bin should beryllium projected by EWM (= bare bin) oregon it volition beryllium confirmed manually by the forklift driver. 

3)  Some clip aboriginal the accumulation enactment volition beryllium acceptable up for the accumulation order. This is the trigger for the 3rd enactment strategy connected the accumulation enactment to nonstop a archetypal warehouse petition to EWM to transportation specified components from the intermediate pallet retention to specified retention bins connected the accumulation line. 
In the moving accumulation the 3rd enactment strategy has to make further warehouse requests if e.g. the disposable quantity of a constituent falls beneath a defined value.  

4) The depletion for the components is posted by the 3rd enactment strategy during accumulation with relation module /SCWM/MFG_CONSUME_ITEMS_EXT. The retention bin connected the accumulation enactment (see measurement 3) is specified arsenic the goods question bin for the depletion postings.

The steps 1 and 4 are nary problem. But I don´t cognize however to acceptable up the steps 2 and 3.

Is this process imaginable successful EWM 9.40 successful standard?  

Thank you for immoderate advice.

Best regards, Julian

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