Special Stock Batch Determination for consignment issue with reference of consignment fill up Order

1 month ago 2

Hello Team,

Our concern script is arsenic below:

We are moving accumulation bid against consignment income arsenic this is marque to bid arsenic per the lawsuit specifications. As accumulation bid is getting reserved against peculiar banal for consignment capable up, we are incapable to find the batch, arsenic the strategy considers lone unrestricted stock.

Also, it volition beryllium not champion signifier to find the batch astatine the consignment capable up order, arsenic the accumulation squad volition nutrient banal against order, truthful arsenic per process batch should beryllium determined astatine the transportation level. With notation to consignment capable up order, we volition make consignment issue, wherever aforesaid batch should beryllium determined for the consumption.

How to grip batch determination from consignment capable up to consignment issue, wherever aforesaid batch should beryllium determined passim the process which has been generated by accumulation squad against consignment capable up order.

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