Skoda Laura - End of life or will it live again?

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Old 12th January 2025, 21:39   #1


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Skoda Laura - End of beingness oregon volition it unrecorded again?

So, I americium successful a small spot of a concern with my Skoda Laura - the different time I was driving backmost location connected my regular way via Atal Sethu and abruptly the cheque motor airy started blinking on with EPC airy and I started losing powerfulness but it did not crook disconnected completely. Luckily I was lone a fewer kilometres from my location and someway made it to my apartment. I could not marque retired astatine higher velocity but erstwhile I started approaching home, one figured what happened - 1 of the cylinders was not firing. I was successful the concern earlier astir an twelvemonth ago, and it turned retired to beryllium a faulty ignition coil, replacing which the car was backmost successful moving condition.

This is the car I americium talking astir - (My 1 twelvemonth ownership of buying an utilized Skoda Laura successful 2024)

The adjacent 2 days -
I americium inactive caller successful this country and bash not person a go-to mechanic, I recovered 1 online and thought I would get an opinion. The scan identified that cylinder 2 was not firing astatine all. As suspected, ignition coil connected cylinder 2 was kaput - we got immoderate spare coils which we knew were moving and aft plugging successful the car, we could adjacent spot the sparks from coil 2 (which was not determination successful the faulty coils) and adjacent replaced each the spark plugs

However, contempt this, the misfire connected cylinder 2 persists.

Additional Observations:

While inspecting the spark plug for cylinder two, noticed antithetic magnitude of soot deposit which was not determination successful the different cylinders

What We?ve Ruled Out:

Faulty ignition coils ? tested with moving replacements.
The basal wiring to the ignition coil appears fine, arsenic the coil is firing.

Current Challenges:
The misfire remains unresolved contempt addressing what seemed similar evident causes. It?s starting to consciousness similar the contented mightiness beryllium deeper, perchance involving:

- Fuel transportation to the cylinder.
- Compression problems successful the misfiring cylinder.
- A imaginable ECU oregon sensor-related contented affecting cylinder timing oregon fuel-air mixture.

My Questions to the Community and immoderate thoughts going connected successful my mind,

- The mechanics counsel is to regenerate the full motor arsenic opening this existent 1 mightiness beryllium costly and with nary certainty that the contented volition beryllium resolved fixed the scarcity of spare parts.

- I americium trying to get a 2nd sentiment from DMP Automobiles fixed each the bully things I perceive astir them but they are held up for a fewer days with different projects and I americium having to wait.

- Has anyone faced thing akin wherever replacing the ignition coils has not solved the problem? Any imaginable advice? (I heard from idiosyncratic it could beryllium a valve issue?)

- Also due to the fact that the taxable of motor replacement came up, I started wondering if I could conscionable person this car into much of an enthusiast/ task car with a motor replacement from a Skoda Superb/ if I tin find a VRS motor also. Any circumstantial engines that you would urge that could acceptable the Laura?

- I mean, the car weighs little than a Superb and with immoderate much power, my power/weight should get better?

Again, possibly I americium fantasising astir this but figured this would beryllium the champion spot to brainstorm and I?m unfastened to immoderate proposal oregon troubleshooting tips to assistance constrictive this down. This car means a batch to me, and I?m determined to get it moving perfectly again.

Thanks successful beforehand for your assistance and expertise!

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