SAP Transaction T-Codes History Not Showing / Not Saving Error

4 months ago 16

Hello SAP guys,

When you're updating the MS Office bundle connected your PC wage attraction arsenic it whitethorn sometimes origin the SAP GUI past to not display.

The main origin of this is that SAP's main information is stored connected the PC utilizing MS Access. When you update MS Office it whitethorn not relation good with the older stored files and caller information not saved.

To hole this issue:

  1. Close each SAP sessions first.
  2. Go to Windows All Programs > Search for SAP GUI Configuration.
  3. 01.png In GUI Configuration > Local Data > History.
  4. 02.pngMake definite the History Status is acceptable to "On".
  5. Then navigate to: C:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Roaming\SAP\SAP GUI\History.
  6. If you can’t find the file, transcript the afloat record location. Click connected the My Computer icon, paste the copied record way into the hunt barroom and the record volition unfastened automatically.
  7. 03.pngYou should present spot 3 files there.
  8. Right-click connected the .mdb record and rename it to SAPHistory<SAP Username>.mdb.
  9. 04.pngRestart your PC and check. You should present spot each T-codes being saved.

I judge this volition assistance you hole this issue.

Thank You.

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