SAP SD pricing requirement routine dynamic changes

3 months ago 6


I americium utilizing customized pricing regular successful SD pricing process to restrict populating 1 condition. This  taxation related Z information should beryllium progressive if lone definite taxation codification is selected. The taxation codification is disposable successful XKOMV operation and the regular sets SUBRC with close worth if the precise archetypal clip the information is met (that is erstwhile the income bid is being created and pricing is acceptable the archetypal time.) immoderate consequent changes to the income bid inactive successful make mode which whitethorn alteration Tax codification does not dynamically sets the information ON oregon OFF. On debugging, we recovered that the subrc adaptable gets close worth and the regular besides executes the close flow. But the information remains unimpacted with On-the-Go changes. meaning, erstwhile popualated, it does not get removed if the SUBRC is acceptable 4 from routine.

any proposition ? I americium posting codification omitting each declaration/remarks.

FORM kobed_940.

*    In lawsuit of Condition Item Tax unavailable, cheque TAX codification connected Condition Structure
  READ TABLE xkomv[] INTO l_wa_komv_mwst WITH KEY kposn = komp-kposn
                                                  kschl = l_con_kschl_mwst.
  IF sy-subrc = 0.
*       Populate Tax codification disposable connected Runtime Condition Structure
    l_var_mwsk1 = l_wa_komv_mwst-mwsk1.
  sy-subrc = 4.
  IF l_var_mwsk1 IS NOT INITIAL.    "INS ONE-15726
    IF komk-vbtyp = 'H'  OR              "Returns
           komk-vbtyp = 'K'  OR
  sy-subrc = 0.


ENDFORM.                    "KOBED_940

FORM kobev_940.
    sy-subrc = 0.
We person besides tried repeating the aforesaid codification from KOBED successful KOBEV but with nary result. Pls guide.


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