SAP IBP Excel Add-in: How to Dynamically Update changedItems in IBPMDBeforeUpdate Hook?

2 months ago 9

Hello SAP Community,

I americium processing a custom SAP Integrated Business Planning for demand  Excel Add-in for Master Data and person implemented the hook methods IBPMDAfterRefresh and IBPMDBeforeUpdate to grip customized calculations and logic. While I’ve successfully incorporated the functionality to cipher values based connected information wrong the Excel sheet, I americium facing a situation with the save process.


  1. What I’ve Achieved:
  • The IBPMDBeforeUpdate hook is successfully triggered erstwhile a idiosyncratic modifies information successful the Excel workbook.
  • I person implemented calculations wrong this hook method, which dynamically update the Excel information based connected circumstantial conditions.
  • The Problem:
    • The changedItems parameter successful the IBPMDBeforeUpdate method contains lone the rows explicitly modified by the user.
    • Since IBP uses this changedItems array to find which rows to prevention back, the calculated rows (updated programmatically) are not included successful the prevention process.
    • As a result, the calculated values look updated successful Excel but are not saved to IBP.

    Example Use Case:

    • Issue:
      • Only the rows explicitly edited by the idiosyncratic (part of changedItems) are saved to IBP.
      • Rows updated programmatically during the calculation logic are not portion of changedItems, truthful they are not saved, truthful we request to click connected prevention again to update the programmatically updated values backmost to IBP.

    Key Questions:

    1. How tin I programmatically update the changedItems parameter in the IBPMDBeforeUpdate hook to see the rows updated done calculations?
    2. Is determination a recommended attack to guarantee that each programmatically updated rows are saved backmost to IBP on with user-modified rows connected a azygous save?

    Technical Context:

    • The task involves a custom SAP IBP Excel Add-in where hook methods (IBPMDAfterRefresh and IBPMDBeforeUpdate) are implemented to grip customized calculations and prevention logic.
    • The changedItems parameter is presently the bottleneck, arsenic it restricts the prevention process to lone manually edited rows.


    If anyone has encountered a akin situation oregon knows however to programmatically update the changedItems array, I’d greatly admit your guidance! Any examples, champion practices, oregon alternate approaches would beryllium immensely helpful.

    Thank you successful beforehand for your support!

    Best regards,
    Prabhu M

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