SAP FSM stock transfer by technician without activity

5 months ago 29

Hello experts,

we person the pursuing scenario: SAP FSM integrated with Pro Axia to SAP ECC

Technicians are utilizing a batch of spare parts, which they support successful their van stock. There is simply a request to person a definite magnitude of spare parts ever available, truthful the technician should person the enactment to marque a banal transportation successful the app to refill his spare parts without an enactment related to it.

Our reqired script would beryllium then:

  1. Technician checks existent banal of his spare parts
  2. Spare parts magnitude to low, technician wants to bash a banal transfer
  3. Requested spare parts are sent to technician
  4. Technician updates his van banal upon accomplishment of spare parts to corroborate helium received the spare parts

Right present we dont spot immoderate enactment to trigger a banal transportation by a technician without an acitivity.

Any ideas?

Thank you and champion regards,


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