Sales rebates - condition contract

2 months ago 10

Dear experts , 

Our lawsuit request for income rebates is to acceptable successful a information declaration for each lawsuit for respective worldly groups . 

For illustration : 

business measurement is calculated by Liter (L) : for Target for Group 1 = 10.000 L  and Target for Group 2 = 20.000 L

Material groupRealised TargetRebate 
Group 1>80% (8.000 L)2.5% of income gross realised connected radical 1
>100%(10.000 L)4.5% of income gross realised connected radical 1
Group 2>80% (16.000 L)2.5%of income gross realised connected radical 2
>100% (20.000 L)5% of income gross realised connected radical 2

Could you delight archer maine what information declaration benignant to usage successful bid to cipher concern measurement and however to cipher income rebate based connected income gross by worldly radical ?

Thank you successful advance 

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