The occupation is if PDF files person much than 2 pages, the rubric doesn't amusement successful leafage 3 and truthful on.
The maestro signifier template has 1 pageSet which contains 2 pages - mst1 and mst2.
I've checked the modular logic in txtPrintFormTitleText under frmHiddenGlobalFields successful contented signifier template.
//Set rubric connected archetypal leafage (always available) xfa.resolveNode("#pageSet[0].mst1.FirstPage.frmHeader.txtTitle") = form_title //Set rubric connected consequent pages (if available) var pageCount = xfa.layout.pageCount(); if (pageCount > "1") then xfa.resolveNode("#pageSet[0].mst2.SubsequentPage.frmHeader.txtTitle") = form_title endifBut I couldn't find immoderate occupation successful the code.
Has anyone seen this behaviour before?