S/4HANA Public Cloud - Show country-specific reference field in supplier invoice

4 months ago 16

Hello experts,

We are looking for the spot to participate "country-specific notation fields" successful the supplier invoice. These fields are disposable successful the BAdI Extension Point "MRM_CHECK_INVOICE_CLOUD", e.g. HEADERDATA-JRNLENTRYCNTRYSPECIFICREF3:


I person seen notes saying that not each fields are disposable successful the "Supplier Invoice" screen, but these notes are aged (904652, 2916253) and bash not specifically notation S/4HANA Public Cloud, positive it doesn't marque consciousness to maine that these fields would beryllium disposable for validation successful a BAdI if they can't beryllium entered somewhere.

In immoderate posts I person work astir these fields needing to beryllium "enabled" successful definite localizations, but we are moving with a non-localized country, truthful I conjecture we would request to alteration them ourselves?

Can anybody shed immoderate airy onto this topic?

Thanks successful advance!


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