S/4 HANA Public Cloud Edition / Recieve E-Invoices

5 months ago 18

Hallo Experts,

i person a question regarding the quality to recieve e-invoices (for illustration X-Rechnung present successful Germany) successful the Public Cloud.
So acold we person implemented the sending of X-Rechnung via Email successful our TDD System, but what if the institution wants to recieve an invoice from a supplier who besides sends it from his Public Cloud System via Email (in the X-Rechnung format).
What is the Best Practice for this Scenario ? How tin we import this supplier invoice from the email and make it successful the Public Cloud manually oregon adjacent automatically ? 
SAP DRC doesnt look to connection this funcitonality yet. Can we leverage Central Invoice Management oregon SAP Buisness Network ?
Thanks successful beforehand for each suggestions.

Best regards

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