Restrict creation of Inbound delivery until Goods issuance is done by the supplying plant

5 months ago 18

Hi Experts,

We person an Intra-Company STO script configured wherein an STO is created by the supplier tract to transportation the Raw worldly banal to different receiving site.

The request by the concern connected the receiving tract is to person a validation power oregon mistake connection to restrict creating an Inbound Delivery with notation to the STO utilizing tcode VL31N unless the Goods has been issued by the supplying site. Becasue, astir of the times, idiosyncratic created Inbound transportation arsenic per the full quantity of STO. However, arsenic per the banal availability, the supplying tract has delivered partial quantity.

Is determination immoderate modular mode that we tin execute this requirement?

Appreciate your precious input, counsel oregon feedback.


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