Requirement to trigger the workflow based on pricing communication data during Sales Order Create

4 months ago 22

Hello Experts,

We person a request to trigger the workflow based connected pricing connection data. We created the workflow and implemented Badi SD_APM_SET_APPROVAL_REASON but it doesn't person pricing connection arsenic importing and adjacent modular CDS disposable for pricing volition not instrumentality the pricing information during archetypal clip make of income bid arsenic it is not created yet. There are blog that says astir the information to beryllium transferred from Order Item to Pricing, nevertheless is determination immoderate concern process that would walk connected the information from pricing connection to point of the order. Just FYI, bid point has subtotal fields disposable to aggregate the values from the pricing process but each of them are occupied. Unfortunately, I couldn't find immoderate solution for this yet. Have anyone came crossed specified request and capable to crack, petition your inputs connected it.



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