Problem whit ATP check in production

2 weeks ago 4

Hello everyone,

My institution is making the modulation to S4H (rise), we are successful the trial signifier and the pursuing occupation is occurring during ATP successful accumulation bid whit subcontracting operation.

Scenario: Subcontracting signifier successful production. During the accumulation process the semi-finished merchandise is sent to the subcontractor for processing. To debar problems with the stocks that were mislaid successful SAP ECC we person inserted an cognition that allows the semi-finished merchandise to beryllium enactment successful banal (531). This is past picked up and sent to outer processing.

Now we person a occupation with ATP that does not corroborate the quantity of the semi-finished product, preventing the merchandise of the order.

In SAP ECC. alternatively the 531 (negative quantity successful BOM) is seen arsenic an introduction (entry to stock) and truthful the quantity of the request for the aforesaid worldly is confirmed successful the adjacent position.

Has thing changed from this constituent of view? I person verified that the MRP areas person nary impact.
Attached is an illustration and the ATP rules for unfastened and released accumulation order.

Thanks for the help
Best regards

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