Post a 501 movement type using BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE

3 weeks ago 7

Hello all,

I americium trying to station a 501 question benignant utilizing BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE and I americium getting the error
"No banal posting imaginable for this material".  I person tried updating the settings successful OMS2, and that doesn't look to work.  The screenshot shows wherever the connection is issued.  KZBEW successful MSEG is Movement Indicator and has values successful the array below.  Since blank is simply a valid value, I don't recognize wherefore this checks if the tract is initial.  

The mistake connection is successful Include LMBMVF0B, Form mengenstring_finden , which is the lone signifier successful that include. 



These are the values I'm sending to the BAPI:

 gs_header-pstng_date p_date.       " Posting date
  gs_header-doc_date   p_date.       " Document Date
  gs_header-header_txt p_text.

  gs_code-gm_code '05'.              "MB1C

  gs_item-plant           p_werks.
  gs_item-move_type  '501'.
  gs_item-move_mat   matnr.   "Receiving/Issuing Material
  gs_item-move_plant p_werks.
  gs_item-move_stloc p_lgortn.       "Receiving/Issuing Storage Location
  gs_item-entry_qnt  = a quantity .
  gs_item-move_reas  = 0016.       

Any assistance is appreciated.  

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