Planned order is getting failed in SAP DM

3 months ago 8

Hello Team,

I'm trying to configure Repetitive Manufacturing integrating with SAP DM and configured each the settings mentioned successful Integration guide. Unable to nonstop planned bid automatically created from MD11 arsenic nary IDoc is triggering but capable to nonstop the planned via POIT transaction.

But successful DM, getting this beneath error:

"The measure of operations has nary valid operations oregon phases"

below is the payload:

"orderDownloadedEventPayload": {
"orderAction": "CREATING",
"industryCategory": "DISCRETE",
"orderCategory": "PLANNED_ORDER",
"sourceSystemType": "ON_PREM",
"shopOrder": {
"orderNumber": "5145",
"plant": "2000",
"releaseStatus": "PARTIALLY_CREATED",
"executionStatus": "NOT_IN_EXECUTION",
"buildQuantity": {
"value": 1,
"isoCode": "PCE",
"internalCode": "ST"
"orderedQuantity": {
"value": 1,
"isoCode": "PCE",
"internalCode": "ST"
"productionQuantity": {
"value": 1,
"isoCode": "PCE",
"internalCode": "ST"
"releasedQuantity": null,
"materialId": {
"ref": "ItemBO:2000,FG_REM_CELL,ERP001",
"plant": "2000",
"material": "FG_REM_CELL",
"version": "ERP001"
"actualRouting": null,
"actualBom": null,
"shopOrderType": {
"ref": "ShopOrderTypeBO:2000,REPETITIVE",
"plant": "2000",
"orderType": "REPETITIVE"
"erpOrder": true,
"priority": 500,
"serializedSfcPatternKey": null,
"plannedStartDate": "2024-11-15T06:00:00.000+00:00",
"scheduledStartDate": "2024-11-15T22:37:30.000+00:00",
"shopFloorScheduledStartDate": null,
"plannedCompletionDate": "2024-11-16T05:59:59.000+00:00",
"scheduledCompletionDate": "2024-11-15T23:00:00.000+00:00",
"shopFloorScheduledCompletionDate": null,
"erpPutawayStorageLocation": "200B",
"batchNumber": "",
"longText": null,
"toleranceUnder": null,
"toleranceOver": null,
"overDeliveryIsAllowed": null,
"productionVersion": "001",
"inspectionLot": null,
"warehouseNumber": null,
"billOfMaterialVariantUsage": "1",
"billOfMaterialVariant": "1",
"billOfMaterial": "",
"billOfOperationsType": "R",
"billOfOperationsGroup": "50000005",
"billOfOperationsVariant": "1",
"erpCustomer": null,
"erpCustomerOrder": {
"customerOrder": "",
"customerOrderItem": "000000"
"erpOrderStatus": null,
"schedulingType": null,
"customValues": [],
"quantityValidation": null,
"quantityToRelease": null,
"bomHeaderCustomValues": [],
"relaxedFlow": null,
"orderCategory": "PLANNED_ORDER",
"isUpdated": false
"changeProduction": null,
"retainSchedules": false,
"activityNetworkElements": [],
"activityRelationships": [],
"orderItems": [],
"workInstructions": [],
"context": {

so delight assistance maine out, however to nonstop planned bid automatically and what does the meaning of the mistake successful Integration connection dashboard successful SAP DM.



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