Need some more clarity on SAP Note: 2545209

8 months ago 23

Hi Team,

I americium going done SAP Note 2545209 and came crossed 1 point, which is causing maine confusion. Here is the solution from SAP Notes, which says arsenic below, but the 1 that makes maine confused present is that accusation structures volition not change, and hence the show volition work. As you tin spot below, 


Standard Existing Reports (enabled to work from archive) that were disposable successful ECC and present disposable successful S/4 tin inactive show the FI information that was archived earlier the upgrade to S/4. This is due to the fact that accusation structures volition not change, and hence the show volition work. However, immoderate caller study based connected "HANA Live" CDS View, OData Protocol, oregon Ina Protocol volition "not" beryllium work from the archive.

This is applicable for each the releases successful S/4.

So does it mean accusation structures volition not migrate, frankincense they volition stay unchanged, oregon does it mean they are coming as-is from aged ECC 6.0, frankincense they are unchanged, truthful it volition enactment without immoderate issue?

If idiosyncratic could supply much information, that would beryllium large due to the fact that scenarios whitethorn beryllium different. Also, is that a green-filed oregon brown-filed approach? 


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