After genetaring a checklists successful a bid (release + save). We effort to participate the effect successful the Checklists tab / List of results. When choosing a catalog codification successful Result colunm of a Inspection diagnostic successful editing mode, the codification and its explanation look correctly. When I save, the results vanish adjacent though the connection "Saved Sucessfully." Message No. EAM_IDMS204
In array QAME the entries of the inspection batch are determination but I don't spot the result. And determination is nary entries in QASR.
When Using QE02 to participate a result, aft redeeming we inactive spot the effect successful Change Results: Characteristic Overview but not successful List of results of bid (IW32) Checklists tab.
In IW32, BAPI_INSPOPER_RECORDRESULTS is called but not successful QE02.
Is determination a mode to marque the effect look successful this ALV ?
Thank you