I americium getting mistake successful sum phase MAIN_SHDRUN/SUBMOD_DIFFEXP/RUN_RDDIT006.
Below is the mistake logs.
SUM Version 2.0 sp21
CURRENTPHASE MAIN_SHDRUN/SUBMOD_DIFFEXP/RUN_RDDIT006 ...started astatine 20241109030856 # Using signifier log record 'PHASE_RUN.LOG'. ...begin processing astatine 20241109030856 ...finished astatine 20241109031254 with presumption FAILED. # Error connection set: 'Batchjob 'RDDIT006' with id '03085700' is failed!' ...begin dialog astatine 20241109031256
2 ETQ232 RFC Login succeeded 4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20241109031254.808 1 ETQ233 Calling the relation module "SUBST_LIST_SYS_LOGS" via RFC. 2 ETQ373 Parameter "JOBNAME" = "RDDIT006" 2 ETQ373 Parameter "JOBCOUNT" = "03085700" 2 ETQ373 Parameter "USERNAME" = "DDIC" 2 ETQ373 Parameter "DATE" = "20241109" 2 ETQ373 Parameter "TIME" = "031235" 2 ETQ373 Parameter "OUTPUT_FILENAME" = "JOB_03085700.DMP" 2 ETQ373 Parameter "DO_NOT_READ_SYS_LOG" = " " 2 ETQ374 Parameter "TIMESPAN" = "10" 4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20241109031254.935 2WETQ399 Ignore syslog mistake messages. 2EETQ262 Batchjob "RDDIT006" failed! 4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20241109031254 1EETQ399 Last generated mistake connection is: Batchjob 'RDDIT006' with id '03085700' is failed! 1EETQ203 Upgrade signifier "RUN_RDDIT006" terminated with errors ("20241109031254").
Background occupation log.
No specified record oregon directory
No specified record oregon directory
iterating connection not written immoderate much !! 00 001
previous connection 107 times skipped: 00 001
Cannot entree record S:\usr\sap\put\tmp\CUSTEXP.DEV
Job canceled aft strategy objection ERROR_MESSAGE.
If immoderate 1 look this benignant kindly help.