We are moving immoderate aged RF devices connected SAPConsole with Telnet and are utilizing the solution from OSS note 371838 (NOTIFY_BELL_SIGNAL) to get a dependable from the device.
We person besides immoderate Zebra MC330K moving from SAP ITS. On this Android instrumentality we are moving connected the Velocity browser. IT has chosen this to fastener down for unwanted features successful the browser. But the effect is that the aged solution with dependable don't enactment anymore.
Are idiosyncratic moving this operation ?
The browser fundamentally conscionable supports the IDA Command IDA_BEEP and IDA_ERROR_BEEP
The lone mode to nonstop this dependable is by utilizing codification from this : https://help.ivanti.com/wl/help/de_DE/Velocity/1.1/Velocity/DevelopingPages/IDA_Commands.htm
Basically I person modified the SOUND.HTML that was added with ~ITSMOBILESOUNDINCLUDE
The sound.html looks similar this
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
`if ( ( ~messageline != "" ) && ( ~itsmobilemsgsound == "1" ) || ( ~currdynpro.messagesound != "" ) )
if ( ~currdynpro.messagesound == "S" )
<!-- sucess connection -->
` location.href = "ida:IDA_BEEP" ;
` elseif ( ~currdynpro.messagesound == "I" )
<!-- accusation connection -->
` location.href = "ida:IDA_BEEP" ;
` elseif ( ~currdynpro.messagesound == "W" )
<!-- informing connection -->
` location.href = "ida:IDA_ERROR_BEEP" ;
` elseif ( ~currdynpro.messagesound == "E" )
<!-- mistake connection -->
` location.href = "ida:IDA_ERROR_BEEP" ;
` else
<!-- connection benignant not acceptable -->
` location.href = "ida:IDA_ERROR_BEEP" ;
` end;
I can't get "document.location" oregon "window.navigate" to springiness a sound. And the occupation with "location.href" is that it displays a bare screen, erstwhile I person to usage Back un the instrumentality to get backmost to the screen.
Has anyone a solution for this operation ?