Issue with Alignment of Account-Assigned Purchase Requisitions in PO Workbench

3 months ago 11

Dear Experts,

I americium presently facing an contented portion trying to align account-assigned Purchase Requisitions (PR) with an unfastened Purchase Order (PO) utilizing the PO Workbench successful SAP S/4HANA. I person 2 account-assigned acquisition requisitions and an unfastened PO for the aforesaid article. The transportation dates for some the PO and the Sales Orders (SO) are besides aligned. However, erstwhile I effort to execute the alignment functionality by entering the nonfiction numbers and the instauration day of the Sales Orders, the strategy does not show the acquisition requisitions aligning with the unfastened PO.

Could you kindly usher maine connected what mightiness beryllium causing this issue? Are determination immoderate circumstantial configurations, prerequisites, oregon parameters that request to beryllium acceptable up oregon checked successful bid for this alignment to enactment correctly?

Thank you and champion regards,

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