Payroll and ACH files are from the aforesaid bank, truthful if I alteration the institution fig nether "Data Medium Exchange" to update ACH, payroll nary longer works. Example of what I americium asking astir below
- House Bank 1
- Company Code: 1111
- House Bank: JIMY
- Bank Country: US
- Bank Key: 11111111
- Bank Name: JIMMY Bank
- Bank Number: 11111111
- Bank Receiving DME: 001111001
- Company Number: 11441144
- House Bank 2
- Company Code: 1111
- House Bank: JIMYY
- Bank Country: US
- Bank Key: 11111111
- Bank Name: JIMMY Bank
- Bank Number: 11111111
- Bank Receiving DME: 001111001
- Company Number: 11771188