How to resolve the SAP B1 Schema Export Failing with Backup Exit Code 139?

3 months ago 13


I americium utilizing an hourly export of the B1 Schema from the System Landscape Directory. I americium backing up to an NFS stock connected different server. The NFS stock has FULL CONTROL rights to EVERYONE.

It was moving good till present but yesterday, the schema exports started failing with the backup exit codification 139. Here are the log entries: 241101-103736: Instance:XXXX Schema:"YYYY" Pid record /var/log/SAPBusinessOne/BackupService/logs/XXXX/ 241101-103736: Instance:XXXX Schema:"YYYY" Begin: Timestamp:241101_103736 User:SYSTEM Password:**** BackupPath:/mnt/schema-backup/XXXX LogFile:/var/log/SAPBusinessOne/BackupService/logs/XXXX/YYYY.log WorkingPath:/tmp/backup_service 241101-103736: Instance:XXXX Schema:"YYYY" GUID: 241101-103736: Instance:XXXX Schema:"YYYY" /usr/sap/SAPBusinessOne/ServerTools/Backup/bin/BackupUtility backup -dbserver 'XXXX' -dbuser 'SYSTEM' -dbpassword:secure:env '****' -database 'YYYY' -location '/mnt/schema-backup/XXXX' -t '/tmp/backup_service' -compress 241101-103738: Instance:XXXX Schema:"YYYY" Finish: Timestamp:241101_103736 BackupExitCode:139

Please assistance maine to resoluteness this arsenic schema exports are precise important for us.

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