How to obtain my S4HC APIKey

5 months ago 14


I started to constitute this question arsenic I thought I needed the APIKey for a telephone to this API below.  I americium inactive wanting to cognize that.

I privation to update an constituent via the API_BUSINESS_PARTNER ... I person acceptable up the comms statement sap_com_008 with basal authentication for this test.

According to the API Hub an APIKey is needed - that is successful information not existent !!!.:face_with_rolling_eyes: As I tin telephone the API without it and it does the PATCH conscionable fine.  But retired of interest How tin I get my SAP systems APIKey?:thinking_face:

In lawsuit you are funny successful this portion : Here is the API I americium calling https://<my sap system>'9980000760').     This has successful the Authorization tab my connection arrangements userid/password credentials.  The Headers person the CSRF token that I person obtained and it does not attraction astir the APIKey.   The happening does post/patch conscionable good without it.


Here are the steps etc I took truthful acold to get my APIKey

I person acceptable a clientid/secret for OAUTH calls to S4HC API successful our SAP IAS Application for our S4HANA Cloud- Test Tenant (i,e, the S4HC D5X system) and the Client Authentication property tab - The ClientID was already determination and I person added a Secret.


I past effort to get the APIKey via https://<mysapsystem>

but I get a 403 - truthful however tin I get my dang APIKey ?


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