How to navigate directly to the commercial tab of the BP transaction

5 months ago 16

Hello experts!

I americium utilizing the pursuing codification to entree the BP transaction utilizing a lawsuit fig that has been clicked by the user.

METHOD hotspot_click. CASE e_column_id-fieldname. WHEN 'KUNNR'. DATA: lt_return TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiret2, ls_role TYPE bus_roles. DATA(ls_output) = gt_output[ e_row_id-index ]. DATA(lo_request) = NEW cl_bupa_navigation_request( ). lo_request->set_partner_number( ls_output-kunnr ). lo_request->set_bupa_activity( '03' ). " 01 Create, 02 Change, 03 Display ls_role-role = 'ZC001'. " Clients/Debtors lo_request->set_bupa_partner_role( ls_role ). lo_request->set_bupa_sub_header_id( 'ZC001' ). " Display wide information by default lo_request->set_maintenance_id( 'B' ). " Set start-up options DATA(lo_options) = NEW cl_bupa_dialog_joel_options( ). " Start the transaction with an invisible locator lo_options->set_locator_visible( abstraction ). " Open New BDT Instance for show of selected partner CALL METHOD cl_bupa_dialog_joel=>start_with_navigation EXPORTING iv_request = lo_request iv_options = lo_options iv_in_new_internal_mode = abap_true EXCEPTIONS already_started = 1 not_allowed = 2 OTHERS = 3. WHEN OTHERS. ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD.

The codification works perfectly and allows maine to show the wide lawsuit information successful the BP transaction.

However, I privation to modify this codification to navigate straight to the customer's concern data.

I person seen that by modifying the maintenance_id parameter it navigates to the lawsuit accusation wrong the BP transaction, but I person not recovered immoderate worth for this parameter that allows maine to show the ‘Commercial’ tab.


Does anyone cognize wherever I tin spot the disposable values for maintenance_id oregon if determination is an alternative?

Thanks successful advance!

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