how to convert numbers to dimension member info in sac using scripting?

4 months ago 26


I person manually inputed "202309" successful my input tract and I person a dropdown with numbers 1 to 6 successful it. The archetypal request was to adhd the dropdown numbers to the input tract value. Lets accidental if I take 2 successful dropdown the input tract volition amusement 202311 arsenic a result. I utilized the beneath codification and it worked fine.

var before_LC=ConvertUtils.stringToNumber(InputField_9.getValue())+ConvertUtils.stringToNumber(Dropdown_2.getSelectedKey());
ScriptVariable_1 = before_LC.toString();

Now the requirment is that I request that input tract to work that worth (202311) arsenic a day magnitude ID truthful that aboriginal I tin person a day magnitude subordinate statement for the worth (which would beryllium Nov 2023).

Do we person immoderate publication for that?

Any enactment would beryllium appreciated.


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