How the first shortage date is calculated in Monitor material coverage app

5 months ago 15

I americium utilizing Monitor Material Coverage app. But person immoderate doubts. Please explain.



Maintain Time babelike banal app for worldly PPA24


This is my output surface from MMC app


MD04 surface - Material PPA24


1. How the archetypal shortage day is calculated present for worldly PPA24?

MD04 for worldly PPB24


MD04 for Material PPC24


2. Why banal availability file is reddish for PPC24 lone adjacent I person the receipts and not for PPA24 & PPB24?

I referred this Link but not getting it.

3. How the beneath fields/ columns get calculated?

Days' Supply - current banal and the receipt and requirements accusation included

Stock Day supply - Only stocks and requirements. Not Planned receipts -

The time of the archetypal shortage and the existent day are taken into relationship for this calculation

Intraday Supply = Days Supply + Fractional Coverage connected the Day of the First Shortage.

Stock Intraday Supply = Stock Days’ Supply + Fractional Coverage connected the Day of the First Shortage.

4. How the beneath colour codes got generated successful respective columns.

Maintain Time-Dependent Stock Levels - Safety days of supply, Target days of supply

Red - Current time - First shortage days < SDOS & TDOS

Green -  SDOS < Current time - First shortage days < Target DOS

Yellow - Target DOS < Current time - First shortage days

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