Has anyone used PPOMW Organization Structure in Flexible Workflow?

1 day ago 2

I person a script wherever the lawsuit uses PPOMW extensively to enactment workflows.

Currently, they are connected mentation 1909 and inactive usage Release Strategies for PRs and POs. However, they are funny successful flexible workflow and privation to springiness it a effort arsenic portion of the 2023 upgrade.

The situation is that they are not consenting to fto spell of PPOMW and necessitate it to beryllium utilized for flexible workflow. As we each know, flexible workflows usage worker BP setup (including the HR mini-master setup and sync, etc.).

I’ve explored utilizing teams and work management, including customized work rules, but it is simply a batch of enactment to replicate their org structure. I’m not inclined to spell this way arsenic I envisage attraction would beryllium a pain. 

Any ideas? Has idiosyncratic done this successfully?

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