Half/full pallet order quantity prerequisite for sales order creation - SAP Public Cloud

8 months ago 28

Hi, our lawsuit wants to person prerequisite astatine the clip of income bid instauration wherever definite customers are allowed to make income orders with bid quantity successful aggregate of half/full pallets only. This check should beryllium progressive lone for definite lawsuit and not each customers

Ex - Product XYZ has basal portion of PC and income portion of PAL wherever 1 PAL = 24 PC.

If a lawsuit sends successful an EDI bid for 15 PC, the EDI connection should mistake retired and a nonaccomplishment notification should beryllium sent to a concern idiosyncratic whereas, if the aforesaid lawsuit sends successful an EDI bid for 48 PC, strategy should let income bid instauration arsenic 48 is simply a aggregate of 24 (2 x 24 = 48). 

Is determination a solution disposable successful SAP S4 Public Cloud to fulfil this requirement?

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