GR Valuation for foreign currencies and GR Cancelation differencies (BSX transaction differencies)

3 months ago 8

Hello Everyone,

I recovered an absorbing illustration of Goods Receipt Valuation for Purchase Orders erstwhile involving overseas currencies and Cancelation of the aforesaid GR. In peculiar for the BSX transaction.
All the beneath calculation and SAP logic is moving arsenic described here:

The script is the following.
Our section currency is USD, worldly has a modular terms of 0,01 USD per 1 PC.
We make a PO successful EUR for 100 000 PCs. Or speech complaint is 1,07049.

We station a GR with mvmt benignant 101.
BSX relationship is among the accounts which gets deed with worth of 1000 EUR to 1000 USD.
This is calculated successful the pursuing way:
For section currency successful USD BSX = 100 000PC*0,01USD/1PC = 1000.
For PO currency successful EUR:
First we request to person the modular section terms per PC according the speech complaint successful the PO - USD to EUR = 0,01/ 1,07049 = 0,009341517.SAP rounds this fig to 2 places aft the decimal 0,009341517=0,01EUR.
Now EUR BSX = 100 000PC*0,01USD/1PC = 1000. Exactly the aforesaid arsenic is successful the section USD.

So acold truthful good. Now we privation to cancel this GR posting utilizing mvmt 102 successful the aforesaid day, instantly aft the erstwhile posting.
However, erstwhile we bash the cancellation and unfastened the FI papers we tin announcement that for BSX transaction EUR is not adjacent to USD similar successful the 101 posting.
BSX = 934,15EUR to 1000USD.
And this is owed the information that during the reversal SAP does not circular the EUR speech complaint up to the 2nd digit aft the decimal but multiplies to the full value. (100 000PC*0,009341517EUR, alternatively of 100 000PC *0,01EUR).

Have you noticed this behaviour? Is determination a enactment which is expected to hole this?
I person already browsed trough several, including but it alternatively seems to picture and corroborate the supra calculation than to hole it.

Will apricate your input.

Best Regards,

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