General Notification with Reference to Equipment / or better other Notification Type?

1 month ago 5

dear all,

in notation to this question: 

I person astir apt aforesaid requirement. The Business wants to negociate the Process of purchasing/Leasing of Company Cars with Notifications and equipments, nary Fleet Management truthful fair, conscionable Basic Master Data successful The Equipment Master and for opening nary maintenance/repair orders. The Notification should beryllium utilized for mirroring the full Process successful antithetic Stages. 

start of the Process is simply a requirement/allowance of having a Company car by a authorized Person. The Process ends erstwhile the car is Handed implicit to the caller driver.

The Future operator of The car volition inquire for a Quote astatine a section dealer. The Person liable for giving him Green airy to instrumentality that Action should make an SAP Notification (General Notification Maybe) based connected a Notification Template which already Contains immoderate Tasks that are Linked with antithetic Partners (Finance,purchase,HR). The tasks reflector the steps that Are indispensable to implicit the process. We privation to usage The Notification to Hand implicit The responsibilities During The process from One to The other. Each clip a task is finished the liable Person closes that task and successful First measurement manually Starts the adjacent task. With this we privation to marque disposable wherever we are with a circumstantial Notification (who is liable and What are the Open tasks.)

in rule I would Like to usage the General Notification Type but arsenic just arsenic one recovered out,there is nomwas of linking an Equipment arsenic Reference to that Notification? Can anyone confirm? This is due to the fact that of the Notification class that determines the imaginable Screen areas of a Notification. Correct?

I would Like to nexus the Equipment, due to the fact that successful One circumstantial Task of the Notification the Equipment Master has to beryllium created and this would beryllium the champion clip to nexus the Equipment to the Notification truthful we Can easy Identify the Status of One circumstantial Company car procurement Process according to Equipment Master information e.g. Car Plate oregon Brand oregon operator and truthful on. With iw29. 

Any comments Are overmuch appreciated,

feel escaped to inquire for much Details,

Best regards


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