I've successfully created a concern regularisation which is scheduled to tally each time and to nonstop retired a reminder email to definite receivers.
Those receivers bash get idiosyncratic texts successful the mail's assemblage truthful I cannot adhd each receivers into the due CC, BCC etc. fields.
To prime the indispensable activities, I'm utilizing this customized CoreSQL query below. For investigating purposes, I'm limiting the effect to 2 activities only, spot WHERE statement.
Hoping that this volition bounds the magnitude of sent retired emails to two.
SELECT enactment FROM Activity enactment INNER JOIN ServiceCall sc ON sc = enactment .object.objectId AND activity.object.objectType = 'SERVICECALL' WHERE activity.executionStage = 'DISPATCHING' AND (activity.udf.AcCustomerEmail IS NOT NULL ) AND ( datediff(day, COALESCE(activity.udf.ACReminderDueTo, activity.createDateTime ), Now()) > 90 ) AND ( sc.udf.serviceCallObjectEmail IS NOT NULL OR sc.udf.serviceCallCustomerEmail IS NOT NULL ) AND activity.executionStage = 'DISPATCHING' AND sc.problemTypeCode = 'AUM' AND sc.typeCode = 'Z_DK' and ( activity.id = '04CFA494E159483C9E651A812F0592E8' oregon activity.id = '44D5B71619764B1981AE8E7E57B628AC' )I expected to get 2 activities arsenic a effect and would liket to nonstop an email to the receivers those emails tin beryllium recovered successful an UDF successful the work call.
As mentioned before, validating oregon executing works, but lone for the 1 enactment I indispensable specify portion validating/executing the rule.
OTH, erstwhile the business-rule gets executed a definite constituent of time. I inactive get lone 1 email and not two. I conjecture it's owed to the execution number spot of the email enactment arsenic below.
I did not recovered immoderate assistance regarding connected however to nonstop retired bulk emails if the effect acceptable of a query returns much than 1 record.
Any hint appreciated!