FSM: Default address for activities

7 months ago 29

Hi all,

I americium moving successful integrated scenarios of FSM with S/4 Hana (also S/4 Hana Cloud).

As acold arsenic I observed, determination are antithetic behaviours erstwhile an enactment is created regarding its default code (see besides attached screenshot):

  • In lawsuit of nary assigned equipments, the adress of concern spouse is acceptable arsenic default. => OK for me
  • In lawsuit of assigned instrumentality to the work call, the instrumentality code is acceptable arsenic default. => Also OK for me.
  • If an instrumentality is assigned to the activity, the default code is the code of the concern partner. => This is not OK for me: I expect that the instrumentality code is acceptable arsenic enactment address.

In the documentation, I person recovered the usher for the address resolution but this is not corresponding to my observations.

Does anyone person acquisition regarding this? Or does anybody cognize if a customizing is existing wherever I tin power this setting?

Any ideas are welcome!

Thanks and champion regards,


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