Forecast schedule lines vs. Planned schedule lines in Sales Scheduling Agreements

1 month ago 9


In the discourse of mounting up an EDI interface betwixt our strategy (Vendor connected S4 Hana Cloud) and Customers, we are moving with Sales Scheduling Agreements, and with the SOAP webservice schedgagrmtdlivschedule_in to integrate the incoming messages from the Customers.

In the incoming messages coming from the Customers, we are receiving an accusation for each docket line, indicating whether it is simply a "forecast" docket enactment (uncertain order) oregon a "planned" docket enactment (certain order).

My contented is that I cannot find immoderate tract to constitute that accusation successful S4. I thought astir utilizing texts, but those are lone disposable connected the Sales Scheduling Agreement Item level, and not connected the docket enactment level.

Any assistance would beryllium greatly appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:

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