Follow on material is not planned in MRP live

5 months ago 17

Dear Gurus,

I person the beneath contented erstwhile trying to program travel connected worldly with MRP live.

Below are the details of my scenario:

1. Material to beryllium discontinued acceptable up arsenic per beneath successful the worldly master:


2.  Follow connected worldly is added to the BOM arsenic per below:

- Follow connected worldly is added arsenic a caller item:


- Discontinuation is acceptable up for signifier retired worldly arsenic below:


- Discontinuation information is acceptable up for the travel connected worldly arsenic below:


3. Dependent request (sales order) is created for the header material:


4. Run MRP unrecorded with the beneath settings:


5. Planned bid created for the header material, and besides acquisition requisition for the discontinued worldly but not preq-s for the travel connected material.

- planned orders for the header material:


- Preq for the discontinued material


- No preq for the travel connected material:


I already checked the following:

- /n/SAPAPO/RRPLOG1 --> No log found

- MD_MRP_PERFLOG --> No error:


- MD_MRP_FORCE_CLASSIC --> It says it is successfully planned


- It works with MD02 and some discontinued & travel connected materials are planned correctly

- If I deactivate precocious readying for the follow-up worldly it besides works with MRP live

I would admit it if you could supply immoderate assistance connected the basal cause.

I truly admit immoderate assistance you tin provide.

Br David

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