Elevated Risks Of Seizure Post Covid Vaccine In 2 To 5 Year Olds And Cuomo's Vaccine Turn Around

8 months ago 55
Good question.

Let me ask you this, if you have a 2 year old, would you get your kid vaccinated knowing that the vaccine could elevate the risk of seizures and the vaccine will not provide any benefit.

Will you yourself have taken the Covid vaccine if the government was transparent that not everyone needs this vaccine. That covid vaccine has the same risks as Covid like breaking down someone's immune system, severe neurological problems and death ( something which the vaccine could cause but getting covid directly would not in most people ). This information was fully available to the government and to the big pharma. But then there was big money involved.

So when news like these come out, its important to learn from it.

Did the main stream media highlight these risks of seizures in 2 year olds which is an information that has come out now. Not sure how many people knew before they read this post of mine. These vaccines are still available and encouraged to be taken. Maybe someone who is on the fence will read this and take it with the knowledge of the risks than without

For the rest, why is this knowledge important. The big pharma is trying out a vaccination in one side for the Bird Flue and also finding a way on how to make it spread from human to human because this does not currently spread from human to human. Before you discount that no one will try to find a way to make a virus spread from human to human, remember the history of Covid and what was the happening in that lab of Wuhan because of millions of people are dead and more are suffering from life long issues.

Did you think why there is no news on Covid lab leak and the government hasn't stepped up and come clean on what happened. Why has not been held accountable. Why is Dr Fauci, the man who is the most paid federal employee, the man who was the face of the Covid solution, making mask mandates, vaccine mandates, was the one who funded and ran this lab in Wuhan that was housing this Covid virus and where it spread from is free and not in jail.

This is not to live with fear, but to spread awareness.

Not really looking for responses.

Things happen in the world and its important to notice who said what during the chaotic times. Who spoke the truth and who lied. It helps us when such things happen in the future.

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